Although we will always do our best to help you and give you whatever support you may need, there may be times that you need very specific support or there is someone who can offer the help you need more effectively. The contact information included below covers a range of situations in which you may need specific help or support. If you feel that none of these organisations meet your needs, your personal advisor will work to find the organisation who can.

Cumbrian Credit Unions:

Credit UnionWebsiteTelephone Number
Carlisle and District Credit Union 594007
Eden and South Lakeland Credit Union 890065
Affinity ( West Cumbria) 65723
Whitehaven and Egremont Credit Union 66755
Barrow and District 870110

Help with understanding debt and debt management: 

Citizens Advice Bureau: Citizens Advice Bureaus provide free, confidential, impartial and independent advice for local people on their rights and responsibilities. Citizens Advice is a service you can access if you need an independent source of advice and support. Citizens Advice Bureaus are available across Cumbria in the following locations:

Credit UnionWebsiteTelephone Number 604735 88 96 24
Carlisle and 563 037 693321
South 111444

  • DWP and Job Centre Single Point of Contacts:
OfficeContact NameContact Number
KendalAnn01539 797050
BarrowGill01229 893336
Richard (Deputy)
01228 605091
01228 605073
PenrithSue01768 242860 
WhitehavenRichard01946 854069
01900 608834
01900 608869
Food BankContact Information
Carlisle / 07512552449 / 07947891102 / 07596 690902
Barrow / 01229 343436
Millom / 01229 343436
Windermere 01539 422569
Wigton and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452
Workington and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452
Maryport and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452
Egremont and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452
Cockermouth and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452
Whitehaven and 01900 823854 or 07502 311452