Community Safety

Firefighter talking to a group of children

We all have the right to live our lives in safety. Improving community safety is one of our highest priorities. Crime levels within Cumbria are low relative to the rest of England and Wales and have reduced further in recent years. 

Cumbria County Council's role in improving community safety for the people of Cumbria is recognised at two levels, in partnership with other organisations and cross-directorate within our own organisation.

We have an important role to play in making Cumbria Safer.   No one agency is solely responsible for making this happen but by working together, pooling resources, using powers, legislation and a strong commitment, Cumbria County Council can contribute significantly to a Safer Stronger Cumbria.

A round up of our community safety work - Summer 2021

Our Summer of Prevention Service publication (PDF 4MB) has been created to showcase the work of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service who have been delivering vital prevention work to people in Cumbria over this Summer.

This publication is only a snapshot of all the fantastic activity completed over the Summer months.