On-call firefighters - Real life on-call firefighters

Meet on-call firefighters working in Cumbria and find out what inspired them to apply and about their commitment to their local community.

Kim and Craig - on call firefighters

Kim is an on-call firefighter at Kirkby Lonsdale fire station together with her husband Craig. They have two children and both maintain full-time jobs - Kim as an office manager/secretary and Craig works on a self-employed basis in property maintenance and at a local school. 

Kim joined Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service some five years ago at the age of 45 whilst Craig has been an on-call firefighter for around 16 years.  Whilst Craig is on call during week days/evenings and weekends, Kim is on call 8am-8pm during the week and also offers weekend cover which fits around her family commitments. 

Craig suggested Kim should apply to be an on-call firefighter when Kirkby Lonsdale fire station was struggling to recruit. Kim says: "I'd always wanted to be a paramedic and I enjoy helping people.

Becoming an on-call firefighter felt like a great way to help the community and give something back."

When asked what her concerns were about joining the service, she said: "Don't let the fitness aspect deter you as you can build up to the fitness standard.  And don't let age deter you.  I joined at 45 and didn't feel my age was held against me at any time." 

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service have a fitness team who will support and guide you throughout the recruitment process to assist you in reaching the level of fitness required. 

Kirkby Lonsdale's firefighters respond to a range of incidents including flooding, road traffic collisions and property fires. There was an incident on Christmas morning which Craig attended as he was on call. This of course disrupted his family time but in doing so he helped others in need. Both Craig and Kim respond from work as their employers support this commitment.

Craig and Kim have a great support network around them and if their alerters should go off at the same time their neighbours take care of the children as well as Grandma.

Kin adds: "Being an on-call firefighter is hugely rewarding and will alter your life in ways you can't imagine. Your crew will become your second family and some of your best friends. These people will always be there to support you."

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