Event: Ambleside Rushbearing

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An ancient tradition dating back to when the church floors were covered in rushes. These rushes were renewed annually with all the village helping to gather the rushes, bring them to the church and lay them on the floor.
Nowadays, the rushes are decorated with flowers or perhaps put onto Rush bearings and carried around the village by children and adults, accompanied by Burneside Brass Band. Following a short church service all participants are given a piece of gingerbread and all participating children are given a small picnic bag, then everyone sets off to the Rushbearing Sports, with childrens races for all age groups, including the Fell Race.
06 July 2019
14:30 - 18:00
Venue Name: Ambleside Primary School
Organised by: Ambleeisde Rushbearing Committee
Vicarage Road
LA22 9DH

Contact Name: Helen Todd
Telephone: 07979840889
Cost Free