Event: Kendal Museum Geological Collections

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A fascinating collection of rocks, minerals and fossils from Cumbria, the UK and abroad, including the Hamer and the Shaw mineral collections, will be on display in Kendal's Museum. This event will give you a rare opportunity to see and examine some of the specimens usually kept in the stores.
Volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and tell you about the collections and their history. Specimens from both collections have been photographed and digitised and you will be shown how to access this extensive online digital database for your own research.
The museum also has two lithophones for you to try out.
The Museum is open till 4pm, so please spend time afterwards getting to know the geological collections better and take the opportunity to ask the staff and volunteers more about the rocks, minerals and fossils within the museum. Please ring 01539 815597 for more information.
Museum entry fee of £2 applies. Please book by email to anne@macksmith.com
07 May 2019
10:30 - 12:30
Venue Name: Kendal Museum
Organised by: Kendal Museum and Westmorland Geological
Station Road

Contact Name:
Cost £2.00