Event: Inside Out - Ambleside Parish Centre

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An invitation to join Mandy of Second Nature and Nicky of Sacred Connections for a restorative and self-nurturing day of conscious crafting and mindfulness practices.

Connect with nature by taking a mindful walk to forage for autumn leaves. Learn how to print with botanicals to transfer the beautiful colours and patterns onto paper to create original cards.

Taking good care of how you feel on the inside whilst immersing yourself in slow mindful crafting becomes deeply therapeutic and healing when blended together.

This workshop will take place in the peaceful, safe and contemplative space of The Wesley Room at Ambleside Parish Centre.

Cost £48 per person
Includes all materials, delicious seasonal treats and drinks. Please bring your own packed lunch. Early booking is recommended as places are limited.

Please book your place through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inside-out-tickets-74427278995

Contact Mandy on 07967 593523 or Nicky on 07949 912540.
02 November 2019
10:00 - 16:00
Venue Name: Ambleside Parish Centre
Organised by: Second Nature
Vicarage Road
LA22 9DH

Contact Name: Mandy Reeves
Telephone: 07967 593523
Cost £48.00