Event: Map Sticks workshop

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This workshop calls on the tradition found in many cultures of Map Sticks or Journey Sticks. We often get swept along with life and find ourselves at odds with what is important to us. We can expend time and energy maintaining who we are and what we do which, when we stop to consider, might be at odds with our deep values. Make a Map Stick with International Coach Heather Turner to explore your values, where you have come from and where you are going. This workshop provides an opportunity to stop, take stock AND produce a beautiful and unique piece of art work which can help you to navigate your life. You do not need to be a talented artist to take part in this workshop.
22 November 2020
10:00 - 16:00
Venue Name: The Studio Morland
Organised by: The Studio Morland
The Square
CA10 3AZ

Contact Name: Kate Brundrett
Telephone: 01931714070
Cost £70.00