Event: Heat pumps for homeowners

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Research findings on the experience of heat pumps from homeowners- What are the facts?
Heat pumps are devices that transfer heat from a source to another location that are known for reducing heating bills and achieving over a 200% efficiency rating. But what does this mean from the perspective of the homeowner?

Navigating the world of energy efficiency and domestic technology installations can be extremely confusing. This free event has been designed to cut through the complications and help you decide if a heat pump installation is the right thing for you and your home. It is perfect for people who want to do their bit to conserve energy and reduce their carbon footprint but are unsure of the technology and cautious about funding.

On behalf of CAfS, Jessica Scott has conducted extensive research on homeowners about their experiences with heat pumps. this includes those who have had them installed, those who decided against it and those who are still considering it.
19 January 2021
18:30 - 20:30
Venue Name: Online Via Zoom
Organised by: Cumbria Action for Sustainability

Contact Name: Kieran Macfadzean
Cost Free