Event: Brodkin Troublemaker

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After showering Sepp Blatter with banknotes, upstaging Kanye West at Glastonbury, and handing Theresa May her P45, the critically acclaimed comedian explores why trouble has followed him from primary school through medical school to lockdown homeschool. And what it's like to be chased by Donald Trumps bodyguards, how to make the police laugh while they're arresting you, and what to do when you're outed as a Jew by the Ku Klux Klan.
11 December 2021
20:00 - 22:00
Venue Name: The Beggars Theatre
Organised by: The Beggars Theatre
Market Square
Millom, Cumbria
LA18 4HZ

Contact Name: The Beggars Theatre
Telephone: 01229 775677
Cost Free