Latest bus service changes in Westmorland & Furness:
Please note due to driver shortages there are currently a number of changes to services at short notice.
We are trying to update timetables to reflect what is operating, but this can be difficult. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
The following services are due to change shortly There are also a number of short term changes due to driver shortages. For up-to-date details of todays changes visit the Stagecoach site
Date | Service | Route | Change | Operator | New Timetable |
*** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** |
12th | 530 | Cartmel - Grange-over-Sands - Kendal | Service restored Monday to Friday with revised timetable
| Stagecoach | |
SEPTEMBER | === | === | === | === | === |
2nd | 530 | Cartmel - Allithwaite - Grange-over-Sands | Increased to Monday | Blueworks | |
27th | 555 | Lancaster - Kendal - Windermere - Ambleside - Grasmere - Keswick | Monday to Friday frequency returns to normal hourly service | Stagecoach | |
November | === | === | === | === | === |
4th |
| Lakes Services | Reduced Winter timetable introduced | Stagecoach |
=== | === | === | === | === | === |
| Update 09/08/24 |