1.1 The Staffing Committee acts as the final internal appeal body to hear and determine appeals for dismissal for misconduct and capability.

2.1 The functions of the Staffing Committee are to:

(a) Act as the final internal appeal body to hear and determine appeals, in accordance with relevant County Council procedures for:

(i) Dismissal for misconduct;

(ii) Dismissal for capability.

(iii) Action short of dismissal in respect of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and S151 Officer (Statutory Officers)

(iv) A decision of the Chief Officer Committee in respect of grievances against the Head of Paid Service.

2.2 The Staffing Committee does not consider appeals from Chief Officers, or Schools and Fire and Rescue service staff where other local or national arrangements for an appeal process apply.

2.3 To determine or make recommendations on, as appropriate, any other matter referred to the committee by the Executive Director - Corporate, Customer and Community Services.

3.1 The membership of the Staffing in Committee comprises five members drawn from a panel of nine members of the County Council.

3.2 When the staffing committee exercises the functions noted at 2.1 (a) (iii) and (iv) above, the membership of the Staffing Committee must include at least one member of the Cabinet.