1.1 The Commissioning and Procurement Working Group is a formal sub-group of Cabinet, established to provide strategic oversight, political direction and scrutiny of the Council's Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management activities.

2.1 The functions of the Commissioning and Procurement Working Group are to:

(a) Undertake a fundamental review of the contracts register and explore Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management opportunities (strategic partnerships, in/outsourcing, contracting, grant funding etc.).

(b) Ensure the alignment of Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management activities with the Council's priorities and Medium Term Financial Plan.

(c) Consider and provide direction on options for commissioning and procurement, including approval to procure, and award of contracts.

(d) Monitor and scrutinise the implementation and application of the Sustainable Procurement Strategy and Contracts Procedure Rules.

(e) Make recommendations on amendments/revisions to the Sustainable Procurement Strategy and Contracts Procedure Rules.

3.1 The membership of the Commissioning and Procurement Working Group comprises the Portfolio Holder as Chair, the Leader and Deputy Leader.

3.2 The working group is supported by the Assistant Director Strategic Commissioning, Senior Manager Commissioning, Procurement and Contract Management, Director of Finance, Chief Legal Officer.