1.1 The role of members is:

(a) To deliver the highest standards of service and governance for local people.

(b) To contribute actively to decision-making on the County Council's policies, plans and budgets, and to continuously review and improve County Council services and performance.

(c) To work with the County Council's partners in the public, private and third sectors and with customers and service users to shape priorities and improve services.

(d) To engage with local communities, representing their interests and championing their causes, improving service planning and delivery, and furthering the County Council's contribution to the quality of life of people in Cumbria by offering/providing community leadership.

(e) To build collaborative working relationships with local partners, including the parish and town councils, the Clinical Commissioning Group, voluntary organisations and community groups, the police and others; to co-ordinate service development and planning, and to improve service integration and delivery.

(f) To encourage local communities to engage and participate in meetings and decision making.

(g) To represent the interests of their electoral divisions as a whole, and deal with constituents' enquiries, complaints and representations.

(h) To lead by example, in accordance with the highest standards of probity in public life, in all matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct, related protocols and supporting guidance.

(i) To comply with this Constitution, particularly with the rules on decision-making and access to information.

(j) To ensure that the County Council has proper arrangements for the management of its affairs and stewardship of its resources.

(k) To develop and maintain a working knowledge of the County Council's statutory powers and duties, its services and strategies, and to develop good working relationships with County Council officers.

(l) To participate in the activities of any outside body to which they are appointed as a County Council representative, providing two-way communication between the County Council and the outside body.

(m) To improve their performance as a County Council member  and in particular to be aware of any personal learning and development needs and liaise with members of the relevant political group and County Council officers to address such needs.

(n) To develop effective working relationships based on mutual respect and co operation with all County Council officers.

(o) To participate in the activities of any political group of which they are a member.

(p) To observe at all times the Members' Code of Conduct and the Member/Officer Protocol set out in this Constitution.