Infrastructure Funding Statements (IFS) are annual reports that provide a summary of the contributions a Council has secured through the planning process (through Section 106 Legal Agreements or the Community Infrastructure Levy) from developers for works considered necessary to reduce the strain that a proposed new development would place on existing infrastructure, services and facilities.

Central government introduced a requirement for all local authorities that receive developer contributions to produce an IFS in late 2019 to improve awareness of and greater transparency in respect of developer contributions.

The IFS report provides detail of the following for a financial year: 

  • Contributions agreed with developers within Section 106 Legal Agreements entered into
  • The amount of developer contributions paid to the council
  • Projects delivered in the county using Section 106 contributions

The County Council's first IFS (covering the financial year between 2019 and 2020) can be found below:

To accompany this report, national government also requires the council to publish underpinning data in a standardised format. The underpinning data for 2019-2020 can be found below:

The data is provided under the Open Government License.

For information on the Council's approach to seeking developer contributions towards infrastructure through Section 106 agreements as part of the planning process please see The County Council's Planning Obligations Policy Document.