The Fire Fighters Charity

The Fire Fighters Charity is the UK's leading provider of services that enhance quality of life for serving and retired firefighters, fire personnel and their families. 

The vision is to make a positive difference by supporting people in the fire and rescue community when they are in need.  Over the years they have helped hundreds of thousands of individuals by providing world-class treatment and support services.

The services provided are vital to ensuring the fire and rescue community stays fit and healthy, and able to continue their work protecting the public. The Fire Fighters Charity offers a range of support including advice and signposting or residential rehabilitation, mental and emotional wellbeing and recuperation programmes. 

Staff can also visit beneficiaries at home if solving the problem needs a more in-depth approach and they may be able to provide specialist equipment or bespoke assistance if needed.

The Fire Fighters Charity has a branch in Penrith which is run by a small, but enthusiastic team, which offers a range of support programmes including physical rehabilitation and recuperation.  

For further information contact:

Jubilee House
Eamont Park
CA10 2BN

Tel:  01768 890009


To aid emotional recuperation, one or two week breaks are offered, which are designed to help those who have suffered injury, illness, stress or bereavement.

Bespoke 4, 7 or 10 day programmes are offered to beneficiaries that may, depending on individual needs, encompass the following areas:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Health Promotion
  • Nursing & Personal Care
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Fire Fighters Charity has a free, confidential helpline which is available to all members of the fire and rescue community.  With a friendly team of advisors, trained to provide impartial advice and guidance, they can offer support on a wide range of issues including financial hardship, welfare benefits, employment issues, housing, bereavement, disability issues and adaptations, to name just a few.

It costs around £1,200 for The Fire Fighters Charity to provide a week's rehabilitation programme for a member of the fire service community in their time of need.  However, with no government funding they are completely reliant on the generosity and enthusiasm of supporters - in time, money and energy! 

You can help by signing up for a monthly donation or joining our lottery scheme and being in with a chance of winning a monthly jackpot of up to £25,000!  Or alternatively, why not join a fundraising challenge such as trekking the incredible Namibian wilderness, joining in with the National Car Wash or organising your own event - the choices are endless.

For further information, eligibility criteria and to see how you can support the Charity please visit the Fire Fighters Charity website.

To access services and speak to a confidential, impartial and friendly advisors please call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 389 8820