Arson Prevention

Arson: Don't Accept it, Report it!

Arson can have a devastating effect on homes, businesses and communities.  

The Arson Prevention Forum has provided the following top tips relevant to the general public and business:


Arson Prevention Tips for the General Public

  • Report accumulated or abandoned refuse to your local council. Don't let it become a target for arson.

  • Anti-social behaviour is often a precursor to arson. Report such behaviour through your local neighbourhood policing team, neighbourhood watch team or anonymously through Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111

  • If you are a parent or a guardian and you discover a child who has been playing with matches within the home, contact your local fire and rescue service for advice.

  • Raise all incidents of arson, even the small fires, with your local neighbourhood watch members, the police and local fire station personnel.

  • Contact your local Fire and Rescue Service, they are there to help.


Arson Prevention Tips for Business

  • Ensure you include the impact of arson in your workplace fire risk assessment. A large percentage of businesses fail to return to trading following a fire.

  • Schools can be soft targets for arson. The impact on both the local community and pupils is potentially devastating. Speak to your local police crime prevention officer; they may be able to offer advice as to how you can protect your building.

  • Protect your commercial property. Seek advice on security, good lighting and CCTV as these will often act as a deterrent to a criminal.

  • Raise all incidents of arson, even the small fires, with your local neighbourhood watch members, the police and local fire station personnel.

  • When closing down your business adopt a thorough closedown procedure making sure external doors are locked, internal doors are closed, no unauthorised persons are left on the premises, alarms are switched on and there is no rubbish or waste left lying around.

  • Arson attacks on farms and small holdings do happen. Take simple precautions to reduce the likelihood of this happening. Lighting around barns and outbuildings will deter the opportunist thief and the would-be arsonist.

  • Contact your local Fire and Rescue Service, they are there to help.

If you require further fire safety advice regarding your business premises then please contact the Fire Protection team on 01768812612


Arson Prevention Information for Owners of Heritage Properties 

Please use the following link to access information to help reduce the arson risk to heritage properties throughout the North West. 

Arson Risk Reduction Heritage Properties in the North West (PDF 6,813 KB) 

Please use the following link to download a form to help assess the arson risk to heritage properties. 

Arson Risk Assessment for Heritage Properties (docx 13KB)