Age UK and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service

As part of our commitment to community safety Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service work in partnership with a number of organisations to reach some of our more vulnerable Cumbrian residents. The current Placed Based Prevention organisations are: Age UK South Lakeland, Age UK Carlisle and Eden and Age UK West Cumbria.

As part of the safe and well referral routes Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service will refer those identified as needing further support and assistance to the relevant district Age UK organisation if consent is given to refer by the individual.

During the Safe and Well visit advice will be given to help deal with the potential fire hazards in their homes and help design a 'Fire Plan' so that the resident will know how to react if they have a fire in their home. If necessary we will fit a 10 year powered cell smoke detector. This Service is FREE of Charge to the resident.

If whilst a member of the Fire and Rescue Service is conducting a Safe and Well Visit or any other service and they have concerns regarding a person or other member of the household, we, having obtained their consent, will refer them onwards to the relevant district of Age UK and one of their case workers will contact the resident to help and advise them on accessing services or support that are available to them.

Age UK provides a wide range of services that include:

  • Promoting Independence
  • Accident and falls prevention support
  • Handy man service
  • Aid-Call careline service
  • Befriending/Hospital After care service
  • Day Centres
  • Information services
  • Benefit and financial checks
  • Social events including clubs and a variety of classes
  • Plus many more services 

Each referral is in confidence and needs assessed on an individual basis. For example, the resident may have recently been bereaved so the Age UK case worker may inform them of local clubs and classes they could attend as well as offering advice on benefits, other social events available, support groups, befriending schemes plus any practical assistance required at the same time.

For further information about the services offered by Age Concern contact your local Age UK Office or visit the Age UK website.