Longtown Fire Station

Longtown Fire Station
Mary Street

Tel: 0300 303 8623 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Training Evening: Tuesday 1900 hrs to 2100 hrs.

Email: enquiries.fire@cumbria.gov.uk


Longtown fire station is staffed by On-call Firefighters and houses one fire engine.

Firefighters attend a number of incidents the main risks are road traffic collisions due to the connecting A7, M74 and M6.  The station also provides cover to a remote rural area so are called to incidents involving agricultural fires and livestock rescues. Firefighters are also trained as water first responders to deal with flooding incidents in the area.


Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service carry out Safe and Well Visits; please use the link below for more information.

Safe and Well Visits and Safety in your home


Longtown Station Area 300 X 447

  Next nearest supporting Fire Engine

  Carlisle East - 11 miles 
  Carlisle West - 10 miles  
  Brampton - 11 miles 

Station Area6,000 population
Crewing TypeOn-Call
Fire Engines1 fire engine

Longtown is situated on the south bank of the River Esk, two miles from Gretna Green and 10 miles from the centre of Carlisle. It has a population of about 3,000 and it is a farming town and much of the business in and around Longtown depends on agriculture.

The town has two schools, Lochinvar Secondary School and Longtown Primary School, as well as Longtown Community Development Centre, which provides ICT courses, and Longtown Memorial Hall Community Centre. It also has well established business and retail sectors.

The area contains:

  • 1 Grade I listed building and 7 Grade II listed buildings

  • 3 Sites of Specific Scientific Interest

  • 1 Site Specific Risk; DM Longtown

  • In recent years there have been numerous flooding incidents to houses adjacent to a culvert on Lochinvar Beck at Longtown.  The flooding affects a number of properties on the adjacent estate with the Fire Station also being vulnerable.

The table shows the number of incidents that have occurred within a nominal area assigned to the station (as shown on the map in the station profile).  This is different to the number of incidents attended by fire engines which are based at the station, as they may attend incidents outside their station area.

All emergencies attended504349
All Fires242128
Accidental primary dwelling fires252
Secondary fires4710
Chimney fires247
Deliberate primary fires021
Deliberate secondary fires211
False Alarms
All false alarms151414
Special Service Calls
Non Road Traffic Collisions Special Service Calls453
Road Traffic Collisions Special Service Calls734

Response times

On-call fire engine

Average crew turnout time (time it takes the crew to respond to the station)4 mins 25 secs3 mins 34 secs3 mins 31 secs
Average response time (time it takes the crew to arrive at the incident from the station)7 mins 58 secs10 mins 0 secs12 mins 32 secs
Number of incidents attended by fire engine C25P1426869


On-call fire engines

Total Availability85%92%92%
Mon - Fri (08:00 - 18:00)63%81%81%
Mon - Thurs (18:00 - 08:00)99%100%100%
Fri - Mon (18:00 - 08:00)90%94%93%

Further information for this fire station is available on a number of themes at the Cumbria Intelligence Observatory, including:

  • Population 

  • Crime and Community

  • Health and Social Care

  • Housing

  • Economy and Employment

  • Environment

  • Children and Young People

Please visit www.cumbriaobservatory.org.uk and choose a fire station area for your particular theme of interest.