Whitehaven Fire Station


Whitehaven Fire Station
Main Street
CA28 6XD


Tel: 0300 303 8623 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Training Evening: Tuesday 1900 hrs to 2100 hrs.

Email: enquiries.fire@cumbria.gov.uk      


Whitehaven fire station is staffed by Regular and On-call Firefighters and houses two fire engines and dduring the summer months a Unimog specially equipped to deal with wildfires.                  

Risks in the area include road traffic collisions due to the busy 'B' type roads and the busy A595 which passes through the town, other risks are associated with residential properties. Firefighters receive specialist swift water rescue training so they can deal with and respond to flooding and water rescues incidents. Other risks include open farmland and fells which brings the danger of agricultural and wildfires, in addition to other farm incidents, such as livestock rescues hence why the stations firefighters receive specialist Wildfire training.


Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service carry out Safe and Well Visits; please use the link below for more information. 

Safe and Well Visits and Safety in your home


Whitehaven Station Area 300 X 447  Next nearest supporting Fire Engine

  Frizington - 4 miles 
  Egremont - 5 miles  
  Workington - 6 miles 

Station Area33,400
Crewing TypeRegular and on-call
Fire Engines2 fire engines and 1 Unimog wildfire unit

The historic Georgian town of Whitehaven is situated on the west coast of Cumbria and centres on a newly refurbished marina, which continues to develop. Whitehaven has a population of 26,000 people with the main local employer being the British Nuclear Group at  Sellafield. The fire station, situated in Hensingham, is approximately 1.5 miles from the town centre.

The area contains:

  • 6 Grade I listed buildings and 9 Grade II listed buildings

  • 1 Special Area of Conservation; River Ehen and 2 Sites of Specific Scientific Interest

  • 4 Site Specific Risks; West Cumberland Hospital, Moorehouse Building and Civil Engineering Co, Princes Royal Building and Moor Row Recreation Ground

  • Flood Risk: The town centre of Whitehaven is in a low lying valley, with a  steep sided catchment containing numerous watercourses, most of which flow into the harbour via Pow Beck. Whitehaven suffered severe flooding on 5th November 1999, as the result of localised torrential rain. A total of 275 properties were flooded and 86 damaged as a result. During high tides, the Market Place has flooded frequently as water flowing into the harbour has backed up and surcharged road gullies in the area.

  • Coach Road floods on a regular basis, due to capacity problems with sewers and Pow Beck. Mirehouse also experiences flooding from Pow Beck and localised drainage issues. In total there are approximately 1450 people in 606 properties at risk, along with key infrastructure such as Main Copeland Borough Council Offices at Catherine Street and Electricity Sub Station

The table shows the number of incidents that have occurred within nominal area assigned to the station (as shown on the map in the station profile).  This is different to the number of incidents attended by fire engines which are based at the station, as they may attend incidents outside their station area.

All emergencies attended252278316
All Fires878983
Accidental primary dwelling fires121711
Secondary fires545055
Chimney fires223
Deliberate primary fires674
Deliberate secondary fires474037
False Alarms
All false alarms130132158
Special Service Calls
Non Road Traffic Collisions Special Service Calls231556
Road Traffic Collisions Special Service Calls124219

Response times

Regular Fire Engine

Average crew turnout time (time it takes the crew to respond to the station)1 min 6 secs1 mins 11 secs1 min 11 secs
Average response time (time it takes the crew to arrive at the incident from the station)4 mins 44 secs8 mins 33 secs6 mins 50 secs
Number of incidents attended by fire engine C02P1413492405

On-Call Fire Engine

Average crew turnout time (time it takes the crew to respond to the station)5 min 9 secs5 mins 55 secs5 mins 33 secs
Average response time (time it takes the crew to arrive at the incident from the station)8 mins 15 secs6 mins 59 secs10 mins 24 secs
Number of incidents attended by fire engine C02P2706971

Availability of fire engines

Regular Fire Engine

Total Availability100%100%100%
Mon - Fri (08:00 - 18:00)100%100%100%
Mon - Thurs (18:00 - 08:00)100%100%100%
Fri - Mon (18:00 - 08:00)100%100%100%

On-Call Fire Engine

Total Availability91%80%88%
Mon - Fri (08:00 - 18:00)82%70%81%
Mon - Thurs (18:00 - 08:00)97%94%98%
Fri - Mon (18:00 - 08:00)92%75%85%

Further information for this fire station is available on a number of themes at the Cumbria Intelligence Observatory, including:

  • Population 

  • Crime and Community

  • Health and Social Care

  • Housing

  • Economy and Employment

  • Environment

  • Children and Young People

Please visit www.cumbriaobservatory.org.uk and choose a fire station area for your particular theme of interest.