Cumbria County Council has an established role in local flooding as Lead Local Flood Authority for Cumbria under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.  The County Council is required to publish a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to set out how local flood risks will be managed in the county, who will deliver them and how they might be funded.

The original Strategy was published in 2015, with a refresh completed in 2022. It was produced in collaboration with the Environment Agency, District and Borough Councils, United Utilities and other bodies. It is the duty of Cumbria County Council to take a lead in Cumbria on local flood risk management.  

The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy has objectives and an Action Plan that identifies a programme of work for reducing local flood risk within Cumbria.  Alongside the preparation of the Strategy a number of environmental and equality impact assessments have been carried out.

Cumbria County Council has an established role in local flooding as Lead Local Flood Authority  for Cumbria under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.  The County Council is required to publish a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to set out how local flood risks will be managed in the county, who will deliver them and how they might be funded.

This Strategy has not been developed solely by the County Council.  It has been produced in collaboration with the Environment Agency, District and Borough Councils, United Utilities and other bodies. The County Council must take a lead in Cumbria on local flood risk management and this Strategy identifies how this will be done.  

The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy has an Action Plan that identifies a programme of work for reducing local flood risk within Cumbria.  Alongside the preparation of the Strategy a number of environmental and equality impact assessments have been carried out.

This Strategy was adopted by Cumbria County Council on 10 November 2022 following public consultation in September 2022. As a 'living document', the Strategy along with the Action Plan and supporting assessments will be updated regularly.