The Current Planning Policy Development Plan within Cumbria

The Development Plan is the starting point for considering planning applications for development in the county. Decisions should be made in accordance with it unless there are material considerations which indicate otherwise. The Development Plan for Cumbria currently comprises of:

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published by Government on 27 March 2012. The NPPF must be taken into account in the preparation of Local and Neighbourhood Plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions.

Who is Responsible for Producing Planning Policy within the County?

Both Westmorland and Furness Council and Cumberland Council are responsible for Minerals and Waste Planning Policy in Cumbria outside of the National Parks they are responsible for considering planning applications for minerals and waste developments.

The council has also published a Cumbria Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document (adopted 2007) and a Landscape Character Guidance and Toolkit for Cumbria (adopted 2011).

The former District Councils produced Local Plans for all types of development other than minerals and waste such as for housing and employment land. The Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Park Authorities are responsible for preparing Local Plans for all types of development (housing, employment, minerals and waste) within their boundaries. Information about the progress of the Districts and National Parks on producing their Development Plan Documents and of their current saved policies can be found on their respective websites. 

Purpose of Local Plans

Local Plans seek to strategically plan for development in their area. To achieve this, the local planning authorities take into account a wide range of economic, social and environmental factors that matter to the people of Cumbria and engage with communities and interested parties about them at an early stage. Local Plans have to conform to national policies and relate them in more detail to local characteristics.