Project overview

The A595 Grizebeck Improvement is a proposed 1.4 km single carriageway road between Chapels and Grizebeck on the A595 north of Barrow. The route runs to the east of the existing A595, past properties at Dove Bank and Dove Ford Farm, before crossing the existing A595 and then forming a new junction with the A595/A5092 to the west of the existing junction.  Improving the highway network on the A595 has been identified as critical to support the economic growth of West and South Cumbria. The scheme will also ensure the A595 can function adequately as a strategic diversion route for the A590. 

On 27 October 2020 the Department for Transport confirmed £12.178 million delivery funding for the A595 Grizebeck Improvement. Together with a contribution of £2.24 million from Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, Cumbria County Council can now continue work to deliver the improvement.

In October 2022, planning approval was granted by both Cumbria County Council and the Lake District National Park Authority Planning Committees. The detailed design stage of the two-stage design and build contract was also awarded to Story Contracting Ltd. with WSP as the design partner.

Location plan (PDF 389KB)

If you have any queries or comments regarding the Grizebeck project, please contact the project team at

For any planning application queries or comments please visit:

Cumbria County Council Planning Link

Planning Reference number: 5/22/9001

Lake District National Park Planning Link

Planning Reference Number: 7/2022/5124

A public consultation was initiated on the 14 June 2021 and took place until to 11 July 2021; to gather views on the A595 Grizebeck Improvement prior to submission of a planning application. The analysis of feedback received following the 6 week pre-application public consultation is presented in a Consultation Report and Non-Technical Summary: 

A595 Grizebeck Consultation Report ('You said', 'We did') (PDF 2MB)

A595 Grizebeck Non-Technical Summary (PDF 37MB) (please note this is a very large document)

Objectives of the project

Improving the highway network on the A595 has been identified as critical to support economic growth and the movement of goods and people between West and South Cumbria. The scheme will also ensure the A595 can function adequately as a strategic diversion route for the A590.

The project objectives are to:

  • Support economic growth
  • Improve connectivity 
  • Improve journey times 
  • Improve safety for all road users 
  • Minimise traffic impacts on communities

October 2022 update

  • The following activities are currently ongoing:
  • Engagement with the stakeholders during the post-planning period
  • Continued engagement with the landowners
  • Contractor onboarding for the scheme
  • Statutory orders preparation

The future works timetable includes:

  • Planning application submission (February 2022)
  • Receive planning approval from CCC and LDNP for the scheme (October 2022)
  • Procurement of a Design and Build contractor (October 2022)
  • If required proceed with the Compulsory Purchase Order on land (October/November 2022)
  • Submission of land purchase documentation to the funder for review (Late 2022/2023)
  • Development of a detailed design (Spring 2023)
  • Receival of a finalised cost plan for the scheme (Summer 2023)
  • Submission of the Full Business Case (FBC) (Autumn 2023)
  • Department for Transport approval of the FBC for the full scheme funding to be released (Autumn/Winter 2023)
  • Planned construction start (2024)
  • Planned construction end date (Autumn 2025)
  • An Outline Business Case (OBC) requesting £12.178 million was submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) in April 2019
  • A Full Business Case (FBC) requesting £2.24 million was submitted to Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP) in April 2020 
  • The DfT approved the scheme to Programme Entry for the Major Road Network (MRN) programme on 27th October 2020
  • The CLEP approved the award of £2.24 million on 10th November 2020
  • CLEP funding is being used to develop the design for the planning application, and land purchase until the DfT funding ( £12.178 million) becomes available after the DfT Full Business Case (FBC) has been submitted and approved in Spring 2023

The Planning Application was submitted in February 2022.  Decisions on the planning applications were received in October 2022 by both Cumbria County Council and the Lake District National Park Authority Planning Committees with construction of the scheme to start in 2024.  

Links for viewing the Planning Applications are below:

Cumbria County Council Planning Link

Planning Reference number: 5/22/9001

Lake District National Park Planning Link

Planning Reference Number: 7/2022/5124

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Planning - January 2020

In line with The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, a Screening Request and Scoping Report were submitted to Cumbria County Council (CCC) as the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the A595 Grizebeck Improvements. The aim of the Scoping Report is to provide sufficient information to allow the Planning Authority to state their opinion as to the scope and level of detail of the information to be provided in the EIA report (a 'scoping opinion'), to support any future planning application for the Scheme.

  • The result of the Scoping Opinion was that an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and the production of an EIA report will be required to support any future planning application for the Scheme.
  • Work on the production of the EIA Report, associated survey work and planning application have started and aim to be submitted to the Planning Authority in Summer 2021. 

EIA Scoping Report - A595 Grizebeck Transport Improvement (PDF 2MB)

In September 2018 Cumbria County Council undertook a series of road safety studies, one of these studies was for the A595 and A5092 between Greenodd and Duddon Bridge.

This study report has highlighted two areas of recommended measures. Firstly, a reduction in speed limits to 40mph and 50mph within the study section, and secondly to implement double white no overtaking road markings at Bank End. Both of these will help to reduce collision numbers and create a safer highway environment

As a result of the recommendation in the study report, the council have decided to implement these changes to the existing national speed limit to include:

  • A 40mph speed limit through Grizebeck long the A5092 and A595.
  • A 50mph speed limit either side of Grizebeck to the existing 40mph at Lowick Green and the west side of Wreaks Causeway.

Speed limits change on parts of A595 and A5092

A595 and A5092 Road Safety Scheme map (PDF 189KB)

West of the M6 Connectivity

In December 2015 a 'West of M6 Strategic Connectivity Study' was undertaken on behalf of the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP) and Highways England (HE). The purpose of the study was to examine the issues and constraints associated with the strategic road connectivity of the West of Cumbria, and the route capability, resilience, and reliability of the A595, A590 and A66 to the west of the M6.

As a result of this study the A595 at Bothel and the A595 at Grizebeck were recognised as two areas that would benefit from improvements.

Looking North towards Pen Hill where you can see the Cutting for the new A595

Looking North towards Pen Hill where you can see the Cutting for the new A595. The existing A595 can also be seen which is now blocked off for vehicles. The residents of Dove Bank and Dove Ford Farm are able to access their homes through Grizebeck Village.

Looking North towards the A595/A5092 junction

Looking North towards the A595/A5092 junction. In the forefront you can see the new overbridge which connects local residents to the village of Grizebeck.

Looking south down the scheme from Grizebeck towards Chapels

Looking south down the scheme from Grizebeck towards Chapels. You can see the new A595/A5092 layout along with the new one way junction layout into Grizebeck.

Looking North down the A595 from Chapels

Looking North down the A595 from Chapels. You can see the new proposed route of the A595 through Pen Hill. You can also see the new proposed junction layout into Chapels and the new pedestrian crossing points.

A595 Grizebeck Improvement Pre-Application Public Consultation - June/July 2021

This public consultation was completed to gather feedback on the latest design prior to the submission of a planning application.

The public and interested stakeholders were invited to share their views on the whole scheme design via a A595 Grizebeck Consultation Brochure (PDF 2.3MB) or through an online consultation questionnaire. There were also various opportunities to join the project team at virtual consultation events where attendees could listen to a presentation on the improvement, feedback on the latest design and to ask the project team any questions. 

Virtual events were held on:

  • Wednesday 23 June
  • Wednesday 30 June
  • Saturday 10 July

A report containing and analysing the results of the consultation feedback has been produced.

Consultation materials:

Route options consultation - October/November 2018

A public consultation on the scheme proposals was held from 19 October to 16 November 2018. A consultation document was produced, which summarised the existing issues and constraints in the area, the scheme development to date, and sought feedback on two options - the red route and the blue route. 

2 drop-in events were held at Grizebeck Community Hall on 19 October and 7 November 2018. 

Other key points from the public consultation included:

  • The importance of ensuring road safety
  • The easing of traffic congestion along this route
  • Improving the journey time on the A595
  • Protecting the land and farming activities that currently take place in the community
  • Ensuring that the local businesses thrive
  • Reducing the air pollution and carbon emissions from traffic and construction vehicles
  • Reducing the noise from traffic and construction vehicles
  • Having good access to properties around the scheme

The results of the public consultation are presented in the Consultation feedback report and a summary of the feedback is also provided in the Consultation summary report.

Route Options

Following public consultation in 2018, the 'blue route' (Option 2 plan below) was selected as the preferred option for the A595 Grizebeck Improvement.

The Preferred Route Report documents this process, using the evidence prepared as part of the scheme development to recommend a preferred route for the A595 Grizebeck Improvement


Consultation document (PDF 2MB) - The consultation document that was shown to the public showing the scheme overview and issues.

Red route (PDF 512KB) - The red route option for the scheme.

Blue route (PDF 543KB) - The blue route option for the scheme.

Consultation feedback report (PDF 3MB) - Detailed results from the consultation.

Consultation summary report (PDF 588KB) - Key points and results from the consultation.

Preferred Route Report (PDF 546KB) - Shows the evidence that was prepared to recommend the preferred route for the scheme.

Option 2 (PDF 548KB) - Shows the Route that was chosen.