Make reading for pleasure a roaring success in your school!

Chatterbooks is a nationally recognised network of children's reading groups co-ordinated by the Reading Agency with the aim of encouraging reading for pleasure. 

We are providing all the resources to enable you to get a reading group off the ground quickly and easily so why not contact us to sign up today!

  • A welcome goodie bag for each child
  • Comprehensive staff handbook, posters, scrapbook and stickers
  • Downloadable themed session plans and activity ideas
  • An initial visit from a member of LSS staff to provide a short training session for school staff
  • Loan of 8 themed book boxes of your choice from a selection of different themes. Each box will contain 25 quality books that will inspire children to read and enjoy.

The cost is £ 75 for LEA schools/subscribing Academies and £ 100 for non-subscribing Academies. This includes resources for 10 children; book box loans and an initial visit from a member of LSS staff. (10 children per group is the maximum number of children recommended by the Reading Agency).

The cost is being subsidised by LSS. The Chatterbooks offer is open to all LEA schools and Academies on a first-come first-served basis.