Gabrielle Kent Author

Author Gabrielle Kent

Age range of audience: Years 3 to 11

Gabrielle has worked on video games, taught students how to make video games, ran a festival about video games, and written a series of books based on video games. She REALLY likes video games, almost as much as she loves reading and writing stories, especially ones with magic in them. Her Knights and Bikes series is currently being developed as an animated TV series.

She lives in the North East of England with her husband, young daughter, and Bengal cat, Kali - Destroyer of Sofas.

Gabrielle offers a broad range of sessions from a talk and signing, to half and full days consisting of both talks and workshops. Sessions can be tailored, or tailor made, for most age groups and most can be delivered as talks or workshops. She also offers virtual school visits via Zoom which can consist of two or three 40 minute sessions over the course of the day.


Sessions can include:

Where do writers get their ideas?

"A lively presentation on different ways of kick-starting and developing story ideas, with a range of writing exercises teachers can take into the classroom. 1 hour.
If you'd like me to stay for a morning, or afternoon, I can deliver an assembly, then run creative writing exercises in class."

Writing stories

"Looking at the process of writing, from idea generation through to planning, structure and editing. Can be delivered as a talk leading into classroom based workshops. Tailored based on age group."

The ideas and process behind...

"If you are reading a particular novel or series of mine in class, I can talk about the process of writing that novel, how the ideas developed and share behind the scenes secrets. I'll also discuss how I became an author and my career in video games."

Careers in games development

"When visiting secondary schools, this can be added on as an additional session for older pupils. This talk looks at the wide range of roles available in the games industry, and what students can do to start building those skills now. 1 hour."


"These can range from planning a story from idea generation to synopsis, writing stories, acrostic poems etc., to fun creative exercises such as creating a school monster hunter's manual or a bizarre recipe book."


Gabrielle Kent`s books


"Year 7 and 8 thoroughly enjoyed Gabrielle's visit to Rye Hills Academy. She was very friendly and had a great sense of humour, the students were queuing up to meet her and have their books or bookmarks signed. Weeks later they are still buzzing about her visit and asking for her books in the school library."

"I would definitely recommend you invite Gabrielle Kent to your school. Budget money well spent: lots of contact time with students of varied abilities plus unlimited book signings, the students learned a lot about creative writing that day and we have had some very enthusiastic and positive feedback from them afterwards, as well as a renewed passion for reading."

"Students really enjoyed the assemblies and were encouraged to interact with Gabrielle and share their thoughts and ideas, she created a really positive and energetic vibe. They particularly loved her process for making up character names!" Egglescliffe Primary School

Get in touch:

Website      Gabrielle Kent website

Twitter        @gabriellekent


Instagram   https://www.instagram,com/Gabrielle.kent