Gill Jepson Author

Author Gill Jepson

Age range of audience:   KS1, KS2 and KS3

Gill Jepson is a well-known author from South Cumbria and founder member of 'Furness Abbey Fellowship' a voluntary group who work alongside English Heritage to support the abbey. She likes nothing better than exploring the beautiful Furness peninsula and this is a great inspiration for her stories.

My sessions include:

Introduction and discussion about writing and reading - my route to becoming an author

A reading from a chapter of the book

Activities around character creation/setting/story making - age appropriate

Sharing work and critique

Author Q and A

These are moveable and can be delivered in small groups and then coming together as a larger group. I am guided by the school's requirements.


Gill Jepson`s books


"Gill Jepson is known for many things: her charity work, her love of Furness Abbey and her writing. She has written a series of fantasy novels for young people, the 'Out of Time' books which are set around the Abbey, and she has also written many factual books about Barrow and Furness, with titles such as 'Secret Barrow' (my favourite) and 'Barrow - in - Furness in 50 Pictures'. This series, published by Amberley Books, showcases her tremendous knowledge of her hometown. If you want to know anything about Barrow, ask Gill!" Ron Creer, Director of Furness Litfest

"South Walney Junior School have worked with Gill both in the capacity of local historian and through Inspiring Barrow history projects for a number of years. Gill supported us by leading on your project of Barrow in the Victorian Age, taking us on two history trails, one on Victorian Barrow (where she took us on a journey through the streets of Barrow to locate points of interest) and to Barrow Cemetery where we focused in on James Ramsden and other key personalities in the history of Barrow. Gill is the foremost expert on the history of Barrow and extremely knowledgeable. As an ex-teacher she also tells a good tale in an engaging and age-appropriate way! We have loved working with Gill; it has totally transformed our way of teaching local history, making it relevant and practical. Gill has also provided curriculum support which has been invaluable. During our history unit on Henry Vlll, we visited Furness Abbey on a history field trip to look at the dissolution if the monasteries. Again, Gill was our guide. She brought the topic to life with the stories she regaled and I can safely say the children were spellbound. I would not hesitate to recommend her to other local schools; we will be booking her again next year for our history field trips." Michelle Banks, Deputy Head and History Lead, South Walney Junior School

Get in touch:

Website       Gill Jepson website


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Instagram  gilljep11