Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service - arson

Fight Fireraisers

If you have information about someone deliberately starting fires call Crimestoppers on:

0800 555 111
Phone free any time.
You will not be asked for your details.
We will not contact you.
You will not have to go to court.
No-one will ever know who made the call.
You may get a cash reward if your information leads to the charging of a suspect.

The following are some tips to follow to help reduce arson in your local area:


At night, park in a well lit place.
Remove the ignition key, close all the windows and lock the car.
Fit and use an anti-theft device.
Report abandoned cars to the police.

Domestic Properties

Make sure that there is a strong front door fitted with strong locks and a chain.
Close all windows when the house is empty.
Lock all doors.
Don't let rubbish accumulate and keep bins away from the house.


Litter bins should be emptied twice a day.
Doors throughout the school should be closed at the end of the day.
At night windows should be securely fastened.
All fires no matter how small should be reported to the Fire and Rescue Service.