CPR training

Heart and circulatory disease is the biggest cause of premature death in the United Kingdom and there are also approximately two and a half million people living with it.

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service work in partnership with the British Heart Foundation and the North West Ambulance Service Community First Responders to deliver the 'Call, Push, Rescue' initiative. The aim of the initiative is to teach members of the public Emergency Life Support (ELS) skills.

These skills include:

  • General care of a casualty including the procedure for obtaining help
  • Dealing with an unconscious person who is bleeding
  • Giving rescue breaths
  • Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Dealing with choking
  • Dealing with serious bleeding
  • Dealing with a suspected heart attack casualty

The courses last approximately 2 hours, are FREE and are delivered by trainers who are Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service employees/volunteers.

If you would like to book one of these sessions for your community group, please email volunteers@cumbria.gov.uk.